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Scenic View
May 12 - July 12, 2017
“You should really read Chekhov.”
I swear I fall for the worst shit, but I had nine pounds left to spend and needed something to read on the train back to Paris. I was happy to leave London. On my walk to the station I passed a small, theater bookshop and found a copy of Three Sisters. Skimming through the introduction on the train, I found Trigorin’s monologue from The Seagull.
I don’t like myself, as a writer. The worst thing is that I go round in some kind of daze, and often I don’t understand what I’m writing...I love this water here, the trees, the sky; I have a feeling for nature - it arouses this passion I have, the irresistible desire to write. But then of course I’m not just a landscape painter; I’m a citizen as well...I feel that if I am writer then I have some obligation to deal with the people, with their sufferings and their future, to deal with science and the rights of man and so on and so forth; and deal with it all I do, in haste, urged on and snapped at on all sides. I rush back and forth like a fox bayed by hounds. I can see that life and science are getting further and further ahead of me all the time, while I fall further and further behind, like a peasant missing a train. And in the end I feel that all I can write is landscapes, and in everything else I’m false - false to the marrow of my bones…
Somewhere during the first act I fell asleep, the golden light from the late summer sun filtering through the sooty windows.
Sarah Ann Weber (b. 1988, Chicago) received her BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and her MFA from The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Her active studio practice includes painting, drawing and writing. Recent exhibitions include “Cavity” with Brian Rochefort at Some.Time.Salon in San Francisco and "Psychonautics," a group exhibition at CES Gallery, Los Angeles. She has been awarded residencies at the Vermont Studio Center, ACRE, and Ox-Bow, where she received a grant from the Joan Mitchell Foundation. This is Weber's first exhibition with Club Pro Los Angeles.
Scenic View
May 12 - July 12, 2017
“You should really read Chekhov.”
I swear I fall for the worst shit, but I had nine pounds left to spend and needed something to read on the train back to Paris. I was happy to leave London. On my walk to the station I passed a small, theater bookshop and found a copy of Three Sisters. Skimming through the introduction on the train, I found Trigorin’s monologue from The Seagull.
I don’t like myself, as a writer. The worst thing is that I go round in some kind of daze, and often I don’t understand what I’m writing...I love this water here, the trees, the sky; I have a feeling for nature - it arouses this passion I have, the irresistible desire to write. But then of course I’m not just a landscape painter; I’m a citizen as well...I feel that if I am writer then I have some obligation to deal with the people, with their sufferings and their future, to deal with science and the rights of man and so on and so forth; and deal with it all I do, in haste, urged on and snapped at on all sides. I rush back and forth like a fox bayed by hounds. I can see that life and science are getting further and further ahead of me all the time, while I fall further and further behind, like a peasant missing a train. And in the end I feel that all I can write is landscapes, and in everything else I’m false - false to the marrow of my bones…
Somewhere during the first act I fell asleep, the golden light from the late summer sun filtering through the sooty windows.
Sarah Ann Weber (b. 1988, Chicago) received her BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and her MFA from The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Her active studio practice includes painting, drawing and writing. Recent exhibitions include “Cavity” with Brian Rochefort at Some.Time.Salon in San Francisco and "Psychonautics," a group exhibition at CES Gallery, Los Angeles. She has been awarded residencies at the Vermont Studio Center, ACRE, and Ox-Bow, where she received a grant from the Joan Mitchell Foundation. This is Weber's first exhibition with Club Pro Los Angeles.
Scenic View, Installation view
Scenic View, Installation view
Scenic View, Installation view
Scenic View, Installation view
Scenic View, Installation view
Scenic View, Installation view
Scenic View, Installation view
Green Again, 2017
Willow tree makes a curtain, or maybe a veil onstage, 2017
Weekend, still 2, 2017
Weekend, still 1, 2017
Desert post-drought, 2017
Yellow gray light and the sound of the El, 2017
Pastoral/Picturesque/Sublime, 2017
Huntington in winter, 2017
Le Petit Trianon, 2017
Terroir Parisien, 2017